вівторок, 9 грудня 2008 р.

Asterisk and OpenVZ

I have been tested Asterisk work inside virtual environment named OpenVZ under ALT Linux distribution. Zaptel was installed and run on the host system. Permissions to read and write to /dev/zap/* was given to virtual machine.
Finally, it works.

Протестировал работу Астериска внутри виртуальной машины OpenVZ под ALT Linux. На хост-системе был инсталлирован и запущен Zaptel, а виртуальной машине были выданы права на чтение-запись к устройствам /dev/zap/* .
Диагноз: работает.

вівторок, 27 травня 2008 р.

I'm still here.

Hello, someone.

I'm still here. I'm still using CMS Drupal and please fill free to contact me to get the answers on this CMS.
But I close my web development works. It's not more insteresting for me.
From march of 2008 I support Asterisk IP PBX in Ukraine and Russia. It's general work for near two years.
So, I will try to renew this blog with asterisk items :)

понеділок, 28 січня 2008 р.

CMS Drupal - first and quick installation

I shall not retell file INSTALL from last version Drupal. For this purpose it also exists, that it would be read by users of this CMS. I shall simply tell as quickly to start the blog with your new separated hosting-account.

I do not wish to tell, that it is not necessary to use blogspot.com or livejournal.com for creating your blog, no. These are very useful services and each service have the rules and community. But, if you wish to be independent of someone, you simply take the hosting-account and install there fresh version Drupal.


Where to transfer installation files ? Please, read file INSTALL.
The most important after expansion of files - to edit a file sites/default/settings.php (the relative way from a root unpacked files) that new installation would know to what database with what parameters to address and what base URL to use. How can you edit the given file and with what parameters you have to connect with the database you should learn from your hosting-provider support service. One of the important parameters in this file is $db_prefix. Having specified not empty you can contain it in one database some different sites.

For example:
# and

In first case drupal installation process will create tables with the names "my_first_site_access","my_first_site_users", etc. In the second case that correspond names will be "my_second_site_access",etc. It's very simple. If you would use that feature you will have a chance to create many web sites using only one database.

Further type in an address line of your browser base URL of your site, add install.php and if you correctly read and have executed instructions from file INSTALL, in your database the necessary tables will be created and Drupal will show you the first page of your new site. With the new instructions. :)


And now you have to do a small configuring and you will be ready to create new posts ! :)

I will tell you about simple process of configuring a new site based on the example. Few hour ago I was configuring new blog for my friend Michael aka blinohod. He has the home site extreme VAS-developer

First stage
Create the administator's user profile. It's very simple and it's required.

Second stage
Change the theme or parameters. I've been changed base colors for the theme 'Garland' and change the logo for user picture.

Third stage
Add the new navigation menu item 'Contacts' and create the correspond post.

Fourth stage
Add the block with links to our another blogs, projects and sites.

Fifth stage
Disable users to create new accounts because of SPAM-robots.

Sixth stage
Creating new posts! It's great!

Congratulations! You have new blog with the Drupal CMS!

PS. Did you know that our company do support Drupal and can create any web-applications using php and perl?
If you do not understand russian and ukrainian language just write message to info netstyle.com.ua in English.

неділя, 27 січня 2008 р.

It's started !

I am Alex Radetsky from Ukraine, Kyiv.
I start this blog special for english community. Many people does not know my native Ukrainian and Russian languages. My english is not very well, so I hope that this my blog can help me to have a practice with english.

This blog will be have technical records about some alternative solutions in IT.
So, if you have some questions and corrections to my English, please do not be confused, tell it :)
